I have read countless articles written by parenting experts and listened to advice from well-meaning acquaintances on the topic of multiples and how they need to be treated as individuals. The common theme suggests that parents give their twins/triplets or more one on one time regularly to establish their sense of individuality. I beg to differ.
As a mother of 8 year old triplet boys I made a decision to stop feeling guilty about giving them 'one on one' time with Mommy and Daddy. We barely have time alone with each other let alone have spend individual time with each child. That's not to say that we don't ever have one on one time but when we do its probably more of a treat for the parent than for the child. A few hours are okay but longer than that and they start to ask about their siblings.
Even if we did have time, we probably wouldn't on any type of regular basis. Unless you are a parent of multiples its very hard to understand. Siblings born at different times automatically get their alone time with parents but multiples do not know any different. They arrive in the World at almost the same moment and from the first breath have a constant companion (s).
I believe that even as young infants multiples are aware that they are part of a group, a unit that is very special. As they grow older it becomes apparent that they are more comfortable with each other than other children although they are still capable of making friends. This doesn't mean to say they don't squabble frequently!
If you are new parents of multiples I can garuntee you will feel a certain sense of missing out on that one on one time that other parents enjoy with individual siblings but at the same time being a part of the unit you have created is one of the most wonderful feelings in the World. Enjoy every crazy second!
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